checks can also be mailed to the following address:

House Of Caring, United States
1717 North Decatur Road, Unit 119
Atlanta, GA 30307
Telephone: 404-285-3503

Our Approach


Because despairing orphaned and vulnerable children experience overwhelming multiple challenges on the journey to success, our solution is designed to be holistic. We offer support to our children in seven critical foundational areas: food and nutrition, shelter and care, child protection, health and wellness, psychosocial support, education and life skills, and spiritual development.


  • We provide each child three wholesome meals and safe drinking water each day.
  • We monitor each child's growth to ensure that the child is growing well compared with his or her peers.


  • We provide each child a safe, stable, sanitary and comfortable home environment under the consistent care, attention and support of at least one loving and caring adult.
  • We provide each child adequate and appropriately comfortable clothing, and bathing and toiletry supplies.


  • We protect each child from any abuse, neglect, maltreatment or exploitation (sexual, economic, and others).
  • We provide access to legal protection within the context of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • We recognize each child's right to freedom of expression and appropriate information.
  • We solicit the opinion of each child in decision making that affects each child's life.


  • We recognize that each child has a right to the highest standard of health.
  • We make every effort to safeguard the physical health of each child.
  • We provide each child access to quality health services that include curative and preventive health care.
  • We offer each child opportunities to participate in leisure and recreational activities.


Two Of The Girls In The Outreach